Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bathtub turned Raised flower bed

 So my MIL has a random tub sitting on her porch
Its been there for quite some time laying on its side taking up room
I figured that it would make a great planter!

 We moved it to the edge of the porch that gets the most sun light.
Drilled holes into it.
(thats what he said)
We filled it with a layer of gravel rocks
Some sand
Then dirt.
Luckly for us there was enough top soil scattered about around her house that we didn't have to buy any.

 We then added some chicken wire to the back of the tub to provide a trellis for some plants to climb.
Ooo now its a tub of dirt.
So off to home depo to buy some seeds.
Honestly if I had it my way I'd get some seeds from a local organic farmer.
But this year we didn't have the time or money for it.
So home depo seeds have to do.

This is the layout of the garden.
Or a garden map if you will.
Theres cherry tomatoes and Big boy tomatoes. 
Which we are germinating inside and will transplant outside in a few weeks.
Parsley, then green beans.
Garlic below the parsley.
Carrots and collard greens in the bottom row.
Not a whole bunch of stuff, but enough fresh to add to a mostly canned food diet!
And its a small enough amount of veggies that my MIL can keep it neat.

Now the question, should I spray paint the tub and make it cute?
Let me know what you think in the comments!


big poppa said...

as much as I love The Home Depot, you can get seeds pretty cheap at the dollar store...poppa oh, paint it pink, grin!

Wowowolfie said...

Thank you, didn't know that, now I know. Though all the seed packets we got where only one dollar. Pink eah? Pink sounds good. Be careful I will soon be equip with a spray can MUAHAHAHA!