Friday, May 27, 2011

Say what say what.

I don't know what to say, so pictures first while I collect my thoughts
Henry fights sleep so hard, he will cry and kick and throw his arms around then finally drift into sleep.
Because of this he often winds up in the weirdest positions when he falls asleep on me.
Poor little guy, I tried moving him from this position then he woke up screaming at me like I did something wrong.

Henry has asthma. So this is his nebulizer, isn't it cute?
If only cute made things easy.
The noise makes him freak out, the the air blowing in his face makes him cry.
I feel sorry for him, but I need to give it to him atleast once a day to open his airways so he can breath!
See him crying, and yes I do have a pout on my face :(

Besides that he's a great model and loves having his picture taken.
Because we're moving we have a lot of boxes throughout the house.
So I got the idea to put him in the box and have a miny photo shoot.

Isn't he a cutie!
Such a ham for the camera!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Oops, its been a long er busy okay I've just been lazy.
My son on the other hand has been totally working out.
Up on all fours like a champ lookit that,
Also this week/weekend he's tried honeydew, steak, and peas.
He LOVES the honeydew and steak, but he's not to sure about the peas.
He's working on his pincer grip and he's almost got it!
Few more days and he'll have that and crawling down.
SO no more little objects on the floor, because if he finds it he'll eat it.

Me and Matt have been working on the house.
Carpet in the living room now, a new motion detecting light on the front porch, faucets are fixed, kitchen is mopped with all the cabnets cleaned (inside and out). We got power turned on in our name (it was on, but on the previous renters). Sometime next week we will have cable, internet, and phone, and maybe a new A/C!
YAY I'm so excited! :) Soon very soon I will be living there.
Pictures maybe on wed/thurs I'll be going up there with boxes and stuff so yeah I may take pictures.

And I leave you today with Henry playing in the grass.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Still growing

Gosh my son is growing up WAY to fast.
He's only 5 months and 4 days and he's pulling himself up to sit.
Which I discovered this morning.
I had him in his swing, I walk away to do some packing, I return to him sitting up.
In his swing!

Thank god I've been buckling him in for the past month.
I knew this day would happen, but I'm still not ready for it!

Also recently he's been pushing up on the tip of his toes and his arms and scooting foward!
Its a little blurry, but as you can see he is competely off the ground!
I bet in a matter of weeks he will be fully crawling!
I'm SOO not ready for this! He's still my newborn in my mind!

Lately he has been fighting naps so hard.
He wont nurse when he's tired, he doesn't want to sit down, doesn't want to be held and rocked.
So I have to put him on my chest, sing to him and patt his butt till he falls asleep.
Then I must slowly and carfully inch my way out from under him so I can do something without him waking up.
Reaching out trying to hold on even after I've put him down. :(
It doesn't help any that he either has allergies, or a sinus infection.
I'm suffering from it too!
Runny nose and a cough high in his throat.
If it doesn't get better by the end of the week I'm going to schedual an appointment with his Dr.
Even with a runny nose he is still all smiles. :) I love my little guy.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fixing the house

This weekend we went back to the trailer and unloaded stuff and did some fixing up.
We reinforced the bedroom floor and put in carpet.
Added our bed and the computer.
It looks so much nicer.
Today me and my mom and Henry went up there and cleared out the cinder blocks and did some cleaning.
It smells and looks 100% nicer!
Still have a lot of work to do but so far so good!

Henry is helping in his exersaucer. :)
Still have to reinforce and put floors in the livingroom but thats for next week.

So still a lot of work to do but I'm so excited to keep working on it!
:) I can't wait till I "move in"

Friday, May 13, 2011

Trying out EC

Yay for trying new things!

This morning as I went on facebook I read on my Peppermint group about EC.
Previously to this I have read up on EC(Elimination Communication), I like the idea but I’m TOTALY not patience, or intuitive enough (or so I thought)
So I thought “what the heck I’ll give it a shot”
I mean all I do all day is take care of Henry, do slight clean up, and surf the web.
Besides I occasionally take Henry’s diaper off after a nap and aim for him to potty in the toilet. (though I have to admit that is rare)
So I tried it out.
Today after his first nap I took his diaper off and headed straight for the potty.
And he went! I go a big smile, and praised him "GOOD JOB HENRY!"
Beginers luck, first timers fluke right?
So about 20 min later I try again, take his diaper off and straight to the potty.
Again! He went! Another big smile, more "Good job Henry!!!"
Let him go back to playing on the floor. He coo'd happly with his toys for a while.
But then he started to get fussy, figured he was hungry so I started to feed him.
He would latch on then pop off and make an angry face, try and latch again, would get fustrated and pop off and make another angry face.
So I thought, "hey maybe he has to poo"
So I again took his diaper off and went straight to the toilet.
Blew some fart noises at him, laughed and played with him.
Within a min he was pooping! IN THE TOILET!
I got so happy and excited! "MY WORD!!! GREAT JOB! YAAAAAAAY HENRY!"
He was so proud of himself, smiling at me, telling me all about it!
Afterwards I fed him and he went down for a nap.
He slept for a good 2 hours (YAY for meeeee!)
Once he woke up, again straight to the potty and lo and behold he pee's again!
More praise! (always got to praise so it becomes a positive thing to pee in the toilet right?)
Started to play on the floor with him, and he gets a perplexed look on his face and lets out a REALLY loud fart.
I got excited. (wow am I that lame? getting excited over a fart?)
Again diaper off, bathroom here we come!
2 poops in a day!
I can't belive it! praise praise praise!

So as you can see we are off to a great start!
Lets hope the rest of today and tomorrow run just as smoothly :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Long weekend.

So its been a long weekend.
Thursday was my neices birthday party. Her momma loved the gift I got for her
Note her totally excited facial expression!
(My brother is the one in the green)

Matt came home on Friday.
I love when he comes home!
I get cuddles, Henry gets Poppa time!
The 5 days he's gone makes the 3 days home that much more enjoyable!

Henry will sit and shuffle through index cards and his Awah (the little yellow thing he's holding) while he "helps" Matt do paperwork. Its the cutest thing!
Matt will show him something and talk to him, and Henry will hold up what he's holding and "say" something back.
This is a great bonding time between them!

After this we went and paid the first month rent on our place!
:) I'm so excited about this I'm going to make it MY home in no time!
The next day we went back up to the house to clean it up.
I swept the walls and celings, and cleaned. Matt patched the holes in the floor.
Next week put carpet down and move our things in!

YAY so exciting!!!!!!!!!

I got an early mothers day gift from Matt and my Momma on Saterday.
My mom watched Henry while me and Matt went out drinking!
Haha I had to pump 12 oz of milk but it was TOTALLY WORTH IT!
I got shwilly! 2 16oz drinks of a shot called "Watermelon Jolly Rancher" 4 shots of vodka, and 2 jello shots.

On the way home I took lots of drunk pictures of Matt. I would get up close to his face and just SNAP a picture.
He was laughing AT me so hard!

 I woke up Sunday morning with a hangover.
But my man is so sweet! He got up with Henry and let me sleep in till 10.
I got breakfast made for me, we all took a nap on the couch then we went to his mommas house.
His mom had a BIG box of pictures, I took like 10 of Matt when he was younger.
Cutest kid ever, I hope Henry keeps looking like him :)

Ugh fussy baby so I have to cut is short.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New house

YAY I'm moving!!!!
I'm so excited to get out of here.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my parents.
I love that they have given me the oppertunity to live with them while I was pregnant.
I'm just so ready to have my own place.

So its not really a house.
and its not nice.
But it will be our place. :)
The view from the front porch

The front porch

My bedroom. (New carpet will be put in this weekend)

SOOOOOOO its not the ost perfect of places but its going to be nice.
Even if I have to make it nice.
It'll be my kind of nice.
I'ma make it into a home.

I'm excited :)

3 things to remember

1) Do not tickle baby after they just finished eatting.
Else you get a lot of spit up mess.

2) Cuddle baby when ever you can get away with it.

Sometimes how dirty the house is doesn't matter when you have a sleeping baby on your chest.

3) When a little boy flirts with you this much at almost 5 months
Don't wait untill 15 years to have the "birds and bees" talk.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quick bitch

I'm going to quickly bitch right quick.
Theres this women who is an aquantence.
I honestly think she is a horrible mother. Just my own opinion.
Her baby crys she turns up the volume on her tv or in her car.
Her baby is cranky and has a slight fever she gives him tylonal.
She's got almost the same amount of baby daddies as she has kids.
Her older kids don't live with her.
She seems like such a defeted women, always jumping from man to man.
She can't just be herself.
She can't learn to love who SHE is without a man.
Thats so sad. I feel sorry for her in that aspect because you have to love yourself before you can love someone else.
Who knows she could be the sweetest person in the world.
But I don't think she lets people see that.
She puts on a front to protect herself, which only ends up hurting herself and her kids.
It urks me SO BAD.
There could be deep issues that she has.
I don't know. I don't really care.
What I care about is how someone takes care of their child.
That needs to be your life.
You need to show them at all times that they are important!
GUH it rattles my cage.

Okay rant over, have a nice day!


My son can MOVE now.
He doesn't stay still for long on the floor.
He rolls and pushes and practically crawls.
Case in point. He started on his play mat on his back at the x
15 min later he is on the otherside of the living room on his belly.
I heard/saw him roll atleast 5 times. He scooted the rest of the way.
Right now he scoots backwards, but I'm sure he'll figure out scooting foward REAL soon.

Today I have a bit o work ahead of me.
I have to put up the pool and fill it with water.
Sort all my clean clothes and take them to my room and put them away.
Wash the dirty diapers, wash my dirty clothes.
Go to JoAnne's with Kristen.
Get Tt, Get Edd.
I should probably clean the livng room and do the dishes aswell.

I'd wrather watch netflix all day.
*sigh* well I might as well go off and do something while Henry is sleeping.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Today is....


Which isn't all that important of a day.
It's hot, and I need to shower, but I'd wrather take a dip in a pool.

It's not even 4 o'clock and I'm already drinking a wine cooler.
Its one of those days.
AND like Jimmy Buffett says, it's 5 o'clock somewhere!

So I went to the mall today with Kristen (she's my friend who did my newest tattoo for me :))
and She helped me pick out something for my neice for her birthday.
She'll be a year on the 5th (cinco de mayo baby)
And her momma likes to dress her in cute girly punk cloths.
SO I got her this really really really cute skull outfit set.
The pants have ruffels on the butt!

SWEET My ma bought a cheep little baby pool so me and Henry are going to fill it up and go swimming tomorrow!
I'll take pictures.

Ooo Supposidly my love is getting me a smart phone for mothers day.
Should I go with a no contract phone like metro pcs or boost? or should I go with a tmobile contract phone?
Choices choices.

Okey dokey I'ma step outside for a bit.