Tuesday, August 30, 2011

You're not better, just lazier.

I'm starting to get angry at the whole "attached parenting" or "peaceful parenting" or "natural parenting" that is real popular right now.
The people who belong to such groups or label themselves part of those groups have this holier then thou attitude that really pisses me off.
I hate it.

For example breast feeding.
A large majority of these mothers breast feed.
Not all, but most.
And they always act like they are better than formula feeding mothers.
You're not better.
Yes you're doing the natural thing,
Yes you are giving your child immunities, and antibodies.
Yes yes yes, I KNOW "breast is best"
We as mammals are suppose to breastfeed.
Its why we have boobs.
(yeah not just sexy fun bags)
(though they are fun to play with )
But not all mother CAN breastfeed.
Sometimes its a medical condition, others its an environmental issue, and sometimes its mental.
(No I'm not saying formula feeding mothers are mental patients)
For example, an undiagnosed tongue tie can cause and improper latch making it so milk never comes in.
And even if milk does come in, nursing can be full of pain.
A mothers family tells them they can't do it, that its gross or weird, that they don't make enough milk
(even when they do)
They didn't get to hold their child soon enough after the delivery, so the needed hormones were never released
The mother is super modest and the thought of having to whip her boobs out to feed her child scares her
Maybe the mother was sexually abused and the act brings back memories.
Maybe they just didn't want to.
That is the great thing about the modern age.
we have choices.

The point I'm trying to make is you don't know.
You aren't living that women's life.
You aren't her.

In fact, the way I see it is (most)breast feeding mothers are lazy.
(In case you don't know, I breastfeed and yes I am lazy)
Breastfeeding mothers don't have to clean and sterilize bottles every time they feed their child.
Breastfeeding mothers don't have to count scoops and measure water.
Breastfeeding mothers don't have to listen to their child fuss while they fix a bottle.
Breastfeeding mothers don't have to run to the store at 12 in the morning because they forgot to buy formula last time they went to the store and had hope that the last of the formula would last till the morning.
But formula feeding mothers do.
They do ALL that, and more that I don't know about because I don't formula feed.

So, breastfeeding moms....
Get off your fucking high horse!
You're not better, you're just lazier.
(please exclude mothers who try for months, through numerous problems, to breastfeed, those women are awesome imo)

Which leads me to Example two, Co-sleeping/bed sharing.
So you sleep with your child.
They rest their little heads close enough to hear the soft sound of your breath.
Maybe even close enough to hear the gentle pitter patter of you heart beat.
And I'm sure you've read countless "studies"
(Or should I say an article about an article about the actual study)
You know that co-sleeping has its great benefits.
And that its been done throughout time.
Who gives a flying rats ass?
Maybe they are heavy sleepers and don't want to roll onto their babies.
Maybe they take prescription pills.
Maybe they want to have sex without feeling awkward because the baby is in the same room.
Maybe they just want to stretch out in their own beds.
(god I wish)
You don't know how the other mother feels about it.
You don't know.

And stop lying.
You don't co-sleep/bed share because its "better"
Co-sleeping mothers don't have to slowly and carefully put their child to bed every night.
Co-sleeping mothers don't have to get out of bed at night when their child wakes up.
Co-sleeping mothers don't have to work hard put their child BACK to sleep once they wake up in the middle of the night.
Co-sleeping mothers don't have to check the room because they are afraid the baby monitor isn't working.
Mothers of children who sleep in cribs do all this and MORE.
(again I don't know because I co-sleep)

So, co-sleeping mothers.
Are you on a fucking high horse too?
Get down, because you're not better, you're lazier!

I could go on and on and on.
Baby food, Discipline, cloth diapering.
But its pretty much the same idea.
Really the point of this whole blog post is.....
We are all moms, no matter HOW we mother our child(ren).
No matter HOW the child is fed, as long as you're feeding them your a good mom.
If your child sleeps by themselves in a crib or with you in bed, as long as they have a place to sleep you're doing good.
If you kid is provided for and loved you are doing a good job.
So keep up the good work Mommas, Mommies, and Mums!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Baby Nails

Baby nails.
Little daggers of love attatched to your childs groping hands.
They pinch and claw their way into your hearts.

Baby nails grow insanely fast.
You have to cut them atleast once a week,
or you get ripped to shreds.

I've found that Henry really doesn't like you playing with his hands.

How hard it is to capture a baby's hand

He pulls his arm away and starts yelling.
So I've found I have to cut his nails when he's sleeping.
But usually I'm stuck under him when he's sleeping.
I have to think in advance that I'm going to cut his nails.

Got his asleep!
Now time to cut.
Them suckers were long.
Yay all nice and trim!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Every now and then everybody needs a little change.
Mundane or Important.
A new hair cut, a change in address.
Today I felt I needed change SO,
I moved my whole living area around.

This is what it looked like when I first moved in.

We put in carpet and all our stuff.
And this is how it's been set up since then.

And this is how I switched it up.
I like this, It looks like there is more room and it is easier to be on the computer.

I feel good about this change.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A day in the life of. (warning pictures of poo and side boob)

Final wake up.
(first wake ups at 4:45ish and 6:20ish)
Happy sleepy Henry says "wake up momma"

First things first.
(macadamia nut)
6 cups brewing.
3 scoops of sugar and lots o' cream please!
(Carmal vanilla cream too oooooh yummie)

Diaper change momma!
(he moves FAR to much can't get a good picture about half the time)

Keep cleaning up all this mess Momma!
Seesh, were you raised in a barn?

Green is the color of the day
Time to get dressed.
Strike a pose!

Worst part of the day.
Spraying poo of diapers.
(These poos are from his 4:45 and 6:20 wake up. I LOVE being woken up to poo..... not)

Time to eat.
Oh, and short nap

Wake up and play!

Feed dogs.
Look at them waiting, such good puppies!
Watching the dogs eat.
Playing in my exersaucer
No I'm not tired.

Watering the lawn.

Nap time again!

Mommas lunch.
Yes I put pickles on my hotdogs!
Oh and seasonal Mtn Dew is YUMMMIE!

Good nap, time to play with momma!

Reading One! Two! Three! by Sandra Boynton

Poppa is on the phone!!!!
I have no photos from this 4 hour time span.
I don't know why.
We just played around the house, some facebook.
Maybe a nap.

Henry knocked over the baby gate.
Dinner time.
Pork chops coated in a sweet basil and Jack Daniels sauce, Long grain rice, and Green beans.
I ate it all before I could take a picture.

Dressed for bed!

Asleep for the night.

Obviously I started slacking in the pictures the later part of the day.
But as you can tell, we have a pretty boring life.
Occasionally we'll go out.
But eah, we prefer to just hang out around the house.

Stuff n stuff. Mostly boring stuff.

I'm such a picture addict.

I love taking pictures of Lukius jumping.
I use the sports mode so I can catch him mid air.
Seriously, his front legs are like 4 feet in the air, his back legs at least two!
Dog can jump!

This is the start to a painting I'm in the middle of doing.
It's the base coat, I still have to put one (maybe two) more layers to it.
Its oil on canvas board.
It's called "fly over state sunset"

Watcha think?

Me and Henry went to a splash park with my neice Rowan, and her Mamma.
They need to make one adult size that sells margaretta's.
I'd pay to go there.
The kiddo's had to get use to it at first.
Heres Rowan standing on the sidelines getting splashed.

But once they got okay with it they splashed around and had fun for a while.
After about an hr they got tired of being there and nothing made them happy so home we went.
I loved the place though!
The cool part was it was only a dollar for me and free for Henry.
I love it more because its cheap!

Doesn't this face say,
"Momma, lets go outside!"

Henry's favorite place to be is outside.
I wouldn't be supprised if his first word was "outside"


Ooops, I totally forgot to post this last week.
Actually the only thing I did to this post was upload the pictures.
Better late than never.
Am I right?
(this is not true for things that can kill you, i.e. hiv test, diabetes, shark wrestling)

Anywhom! On with the show!
Matt was cuddling Henry and kissing his cheek and talking to him, and I look over and Henry is passed out against Matts face.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE (did I mention love) how much my baby boy loves his Poppa.
Even though his Poppa is out of town every week.
Once the weekend comes Henry is a Poppas boy.
More proof.
They take naps together all the time.
And of course, knowing me, I always take pictures.

So Henry likes to think of himself as the new Dorthea Lange.
He got a hold on the camera and took some VERY abstract photos.
The only one that came out remotely good was this one.
Zombie Matt in the back.
Flash bright enough for you Henry?

Soooo, I go and wash some dishes leaving Henry to play on the floor with all his toys.
The house gets quiet.
Veeeeery quiet.
*peek head into living room*
And there my little booger is asleep on the floor.
He pulled his blanket to come play with him.
Decided this looked like a good place to lay down....
Not on the 2 mattresses next to him.
Noooo, the floor.
Weird little guy.

So being almost 7 months is soooo cool.
He's pulling up on EVERYTHING.
Getting into EVERYTING.
Trying to explore EVERYTHING.
And I think he fancy's himself a mountain climber or something.
Yup, climbing the baby gate.
And he kept trying to go higher too!
I think I'm going to have an action and adventure boy on my hands.
Someone break out the bandaids and neosporin.

After a hard day of being baby its time to go to sleep and cuddle with Momma.
By far the best part of my day.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Letter to Lucus.

I wrote this letter to a 6 year old boy who's 10 week old baby brother just died.

Dear Lucus,

                       You don't know me but my name is Lorren and my Momma is friends with your Momma. I heard that you lost your little brother. He's an Angel now. I lost my baby brother too, he was only 18 days old.
                       I know it's hard. Your Momma and Daddy are probably really sad. You might be sad too, or angry, or you might not understand how you feel. It's OKAY though. You can scream, you can cry, you can just sit and think if you need to.
                      Right now your Momma needs you to be her big helper. Can you do that? She needs your hugs and kisses. She needs your help doing little things around the house.
                      Your daddy needs help too. He needs help taking care of Momma and you.  He also needs your hugs and kisses too.
                      It's tough, I know, but it gets better. It might take a while, but everything will be okay. Your Parents love you, Noah loves you, and he is watching over you from Heaven.

An Understanding Friend.

Me holding my brother Nelyn

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Busted heads, Flying dogs, otherthingstoo

Henry is pulling himself on everything, getting into everything.
It's his new found trick.
But with this new skill comes falls.
Lots and lots of falls.
The other day he pulled himself upright on the couch.
I got the camera and took pictures, if you haven't noticed yet I love pictures!
He was so smiley and happy, he looked proud of himself.
"Mom I can STAND!"
I turn around to put the camera up and....
He freaks out
I freak out
Matt (who was a field medic in the army) did a few things to see if Henry was okay.
He says everythings fine.
I didn't believe him.
I'm a worry wort.
We went to the ER anyways.
The Dr did the same thing Matt did and said he was alright.
(wow to I feel silly)
Theres his goose egg after comming home from the ER.
Not that bad.
But better safe than sorry right?

I love seeing poppa love.
you know what I mean?
When your baby is asleep in your mans arms.
Or when they are just hanging out together.

Matt wrapped Henry on his back and did some yard work.
Within 10 min he was out.
Then later Henry was fussing up a storm and didn't want anything to do with me.
His Poppa picks him up and walks around with him and again he's out within 10 min.

Hey Guess what BOO! 

Peaches, Henry loves peaches.
I just gave him a huge chunk of ripe peach with the skin still on it.
He went to town!
It seems with the skin on it he can't get as big of chunks off it.
Which is good, because choking scares the CRAP out of me.
Lushious can fly and chompers is pretty.

Eek Scary spider!
Leaf bug!

Watermelon, Cantaloupe, and Tomatoe plant
(The watermelon isn't doing so good but it's trying so hard!)

And I don't have a segway but hey more pictures and stuff of Henry!
He tosses and turns so much when he is sleeping he almost falls off the bed.
Hehehe and he starfushes out.
STRETCH and take up space Henry.

Or look like a baby froggie

I was going to actually post something intresting.
But I'm not that intresting.
O well.