Sunday, June 26, 2011

Busted heads, Flying dogs, otherthingstoo

Henry is pulling himself on everything, getting into everything.
It's his new found trick.
But with this new skill comes falls.
Lots and lots of falls.
The other day he pulled himself upright on the couch.
I got the camera and took pictures, if you haven't noticed yet I love pictures!
He was so smiley and happy, he looked proud of himself.
"Mom I can STAND!"
I turn around to put the camera up and....
He freaks out
I freak out
Matt (who was a field medic in the army) did a few things to see if Henry was okay.
He says everythings fine.
I didn't believe him.
I'm a worry wort.
We went to the ER anyways.
The Dr did the same thing Matt did and said he was alright.
(wow to I feel silly)
Theres his goose egg after comming home from the ER.
Not that bad.
But better safe than sorry right?

I love seeing poppa love.
you know what I mean?
When your baby is asleep in your mans arms.
Or when they are just hanging out together.

Matt wrapped Henry on his back and did some yard work.
Within 10 min he was out.
Then later Henry was fussing up a storm and didn't want anything to do with me.
His Poppa picks him up and walks around with him and again he's out within 10 min.

Hey Guess what BOO! 

Peaches, Henry loves peaches.
I just gave him a huge chunk of ripe peach with the skin still on it.
He went to town!
It seems with the skin on it he can't get as big of chunks off it.
Which is good, because choking scares the CRAP out of me.
Lushious can fly and chompers is pretty.

Eek Scary spider!
Leaf bug!

Watermelon, Cantaloupe, and Tomatoe plant
(The watermelon isn't doing so good but it's trying so hard!)

And I don't have a segway but hey more pictures and stuff of Henry!
He tosses and turns so much when he is sleeping he almost falls off the bed.
Hehehe and he starfushes out.
STRETCH and take up space Henry.

Or look like a baby froggie

I was going to actually post something intresting.
But I'm not that intresting.
O well.

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