Sunday, June 12, 2011

What happened to my title!?

Henrys sleeping.
I should probably be cleaning.
But instead I'm posting on my silly blog.

For some reason it wont let me move the allignment of the text to the left so center it is!
Makes it kinda look like a poem...
Except without the rhyme, or the vivid imagnitive speech.
Or anything that makes up a good poem.

A very uncommon thing in the car is a smiling face.
As soon as we put him in it...
If it wasn't so shitty it'd probably be funny.
So, I snapped a picture of him happy in his carseat.
Maybe one day I'll tell him that really deep deep down he enjoyed riding in the car.

Henry has been teaching me baby yoga.
I caught him like this and a few other positions while I was cooking dinner.

He would do this pose, downward facing dog, child pose and others.
He's crazy flexible and crazy mobile.
I can't just leave him on the floor anymore.
He scoots, and rolls, and crawls.
Eeeeek mobile baby!
(Makes me miss the blob baby stage! WHERES MY CUDDLE BUG!?)

So this week we did tons of yard work.
Tons o' Ton.
Raked, cut down dead little trees, planted veggies, sprayed for bugs, put down grass seed, feed and weed got put down to. (pray for rain guys I want my grass to grow)
and Henry wanted to help.
So me and Matt wrapped him on my back!

Its called the double hammock back carry (or Chunie)
Really east to wrap it this way and practically wiggle proof.
We loved it.
Henry sung into my ear untill he fell asleep.
I got to rake for 2 hours.
Though some down sides to this are.
a) My wrap causes pressure points because it is made out of thin cotton gauze.
b) Its Hot as HELL here in Georgia.
c) Raking with a 20(ish) pound baby back pack is a lot of work!

I got to take a 20 min break from being Momma!
(Yay shower time!)
My boys went to the store real quick.
Henry fell asleep on the way home, so his poppa scooped him up out of the car and joined him in his nap.

I love seeing them together!

Speaking of napping.
I put Henry down for a nap at the top of the mattress pile then step outside for a bit.
(its how I store our beds for the day)
Matt peeks inside to check on Henry.
"Wolfie, wheres Henry?"

He had rolled all the way to the bottem of the mattress pile then pulled the covers over his head!
He was hiding!
Still asleep so we uncovered his face, got pictures, and let him sleep.
He must have been comfortable he slept like that for 30+ min.
(don't worry I checked on him frequently to make sure he was still breathing.)

So we have this toy that sings songs when you press buttons.
But you have to be standing in order to play it.

I can have it just standing upright in the living room, and he'll go to pull himself up on it.
He needs a little help getting all the way up.
But jsut for ballance he has all the muscle strength.
He'll stand and play with all the buttons and slowly try to scoot himself around the little table.
He just competely skipped truly cralling and is trying to stand and walk.
Can someone tell him to slow down some?!

Thats all I've got this week.
Matts been home so I've been super busy with him.

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