Monday, April 23, 2012

Women can never win.

You're probably in denial about your weight, That is what I woke up to this morning. Post like that make me sick, literally sick to my stomach. This self deprecation of woman's body gets me so heated, so angry that I can barely see straight.
We as women can never win.
If we are overweight but are happy with our selves we are in denial.
If we are skinny but happy with our selves we are anorexic.
We are thrown images daily, no scratch that HOURLY about how a woman "should" look.
Look at almost any magazine cover, watch almost any television ad and you get bombarded with images of medias ideal women.
Or you get images of women "to thin" or "to fat"

 Images like these

Then you get home and it doesn't end.
Online, on facebook, on blogs, on pinterest, tumbler, redit, everywhere you look you see images and posts hating on all shapes and sizes of women.
Its not right!
For example looking at clothes on Pinterest you can't scroll down without seeing "this outfit would be cute if the model wasn't anorexic." Or looking through funny images you can't scroll without seeing a picture of a woman with "Fat fat fattie"

And its not just one type of body that gets this type of attention its all kinds of body types.
skinny girls get told "to eat a sandwich" or regulary asked if they are anorexic, they get nicknames like stretch or bones.
Thick girls get an eye brow raise at a restaurant when they order fries instead of a salad, they get nick names like chubby or fatty.
Athletic girls get told they need to unwind, they need to eat a cheese burger. They get nicknames like beast, or dyke. They get asked if they take steroids
They all get asked,  "your going to eat all that?" You've probably heard that before, you probably just heard it in the condescending tone of voice you've heard it in all your life.
Its not fair, its not nice.
Why can't we support eachother, why can't we accept eachothers bodies?
WHY do we hate so damn much?
We need to not judge eachother based on body type, we need to accept who we are, and what we look like. Be happy with who WE are and not hate others for who THEY are.

Ugh this rambling rant is over. I hope my point came across clear.


momma said...

point came across wonderfully. Let's hope we can raise our children differently and that they will be a generation that sees people for who they are not how they look.....and well if not the whole generation then at least our children :)

Wowowolfie said...

Thank you! I plan on it, and I'm glad there are others out there that also plan on raising their children to be accepting of others.